Obsidian Quartz Configuration

Following a pattern similar to https://oliverfalvai.com/evergreen/my-quartz-+-obsidian-note-publishing-setup

gardenbot (obsidian vault)
├── quartz (git subtree)
│   ├── .github
│   ├── docs
│   ├── node_modules
│   ├── public (git ingored)
│   ├── quartz
|   |   └── components
|   |       ├── index.ts
|   |       └── LinksHeader.txt
|   |       └── styles
|   |           └── linksHeader.scss
|   ├── quartz.config.ts
│   └── quartz.layout.ts
├── .obsidian
├── Attachments
├── _redirects
└── index.md

Configured Files for Customizations

Local Testing

  • Build and start server on local host
cd ~/repo/gardenbot/quartz
npx quartz build --directory=../. --serve

Updating Quartz git subtree

  • Commit all currently pending changes in working tree.
  • Navigate to topleve of the working tree
cd ~/repo/gardenbot
  • Pull the upstream changes
git subtree pull --prefix=quartz https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz.git v4 --squash
  • Resolve merge conflicts with customized configurations files. This will always be the cause with files like quarts.config.ts

Fine-grained Personal Access Token (PAT)


To enable updating notes via the obsidian mobile app and the gobisidan-git plugin. This project uses Github Fined-grained PATs because the mobile app does not support SSH authentication.

Github Workflow
