Adding wireless printer with Ubuntu

  1. Get IP address of Wireless Brother Printer.
    1. You can find this with the Brother App or Network scanner app, router app.
    2. nmap -p 9100,631,515,443
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.031s latency).

443/tcp  closed https
515/tcp  open   printer
631/tcp  open   ipp
9100/tcp open   jetdirect
  1. Open “Settings"→"Printers”
  2. Select “Additional Printer Settings…”
  3. Select “Add”
  4. Select “Network Printer"→"Find Network Printer”
  5. Enter the IP address from step 1
  6. Select “Forward” with pre-filled fields
  7. Confirm additional names and identities
  8. To make sure this is a long term solution. Go to your router settings to use Reserved IP (static local IP) with your printer so DHCP doesn’t change its IP address.